The "Student Internship of the University of Peloponnese" program is in its third phase of implementation at the Department of Philology of the University of Peloponnese. It is implemented within the framework of the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" (E.P.E.D.V.M.) and co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund) and by National Resources, it significantly strengthens the effort to connect the University with the labor market. The benefits aimed at by the Department of Philology of the University of Peloponnese through the implementation of the Internship are:
Acquaintance of students with the labor market (requirements of employment agencies, management of labor relations, acquisition of professional conscience and ethics, taking initiative)
Acquiring work experience related to the subject of their studies
Connecting studies with professional employment and finding ways to combine different sciences in their employment.
Highlighting the skills of the interns
Professional networking of students and connection of studies with the labor market
The Internship is offered in the 3rd year of Studies of the Philology Department as an elective course, in collaboration with private (at least 55%) and public sector employment agencies.