Research Labs

The Research Labs of the Department organize conferences and one-day events in cooperation with national and foreign university departments and research centres. They also offer open seminars to scholars and school teachers. The following research labs have been established in the Department of Philology:


Director: Professor Andreas Markantonatos

Deputy Director: Tenured Assistant Professor Eleni Volonaki

The Lab for Ancient Rhetoric and Drama was founded in 2016. In the first three years of its operation were organized:

  • three cycles of open university seminars on i) politics and rhetoric, ii) political discourse, and iii) the Greek language, involving distinguished writers, philosophers, poets, academics and university professors from Greece and abroad;
  • two International Conferences on drama and rhetoric[i) Poet and Orator: A symbiotic relationship in classical Athens, and ii) Witnesses and Evidence] in cooperation with the Centre of Oratory and Rhetoric (Royal Holloway, University of London), Etvos College (Budapest), and the Laboratory for the Study of the Ancient World (Ionian University);
  • a debate competition for students of Primary and Secondary Education in the Peloponnese Region in cooperation with local stakeholders and the Ministry of Education;
  • open seminars on rhetoric with a view to promote debating in education;
  • a student debate club in the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies with 100 active members, who have taken part in national debate competitions;
  • supplementary teaching in order to support students on their deaper acquaintance with ancient Greek and Latin.

Further information on the activities of the Lab for Ancient Rhetoric and Drama can be found here:[ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ]


Director: Professor GeorgeAndreiomenos

Deputy Director: Associate Professor Dimitra Delli

The Nikos Karouzos Research Lab for the Diachronic Study of Greek Language and Literature was founded in 2016. Its activities have contributed, on the one hand, to strengthen the education of undergraduate and postgraduate students and, on the other, to develop scholarly research related to Greek language and literature.

Research activities of this Lab include the following:

  • the widening of already existing relations with numerous Greek and foreign scholars and institutions for the formation of an expanded research network regarding the planning and conduction of research projects in the fields of Greek language and literature;
  • the organization of conferences, research visits to libraries and literary centres, meetings and symposia, on a local, national and international level;
  • the administrative and teaching support to current postgraduate programs in the Department of Philology at the University of the Peloponnese;
  • the conduction of training programs for school teachers and the wider community;
  • the assistance in the process of submitting applications for European-funded projects in the area of the diachronic study of Greek language and literature, with a view to produce related studies of significance;
  • the publication of dissertations, monographs and books related to the study of Greek texts throughout the ages;
  • the supervision of doctoral dissertations in the field of Greek Language and Literature (with emphasis on Modern Greek Literature), aiming at their publication as monographs;
  • the active involvement in the continuous upgrading of teaching and research activities in the Department of Philology in collaboration with its teaching staff, under- and post-graduate students, as well as with other centres and laboratories;
  • the cooperation with educational, research and academic institutions or other public and private organizations from Greece and abroad on subjects of mutual interest;
  • the implementation of any other initiative for the realization of its aims, following the ethics of the academic and research community.

Further information on the activities of the Nikos Karouzos Lab for the Diachronic Study of Greek Language and Literature can be found here


Director: Elena Koutrianou, Associate Professor

Deputy Director: Sophia Kapetanaki, Tenured Assistant Professor

The aims of the Lab of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory are as follows:

  • taking advantage of already existing relations for the creation of an expanded research network of Modern Greek and foreign literature scholars from Greek universities and abroad with a view to plan and conduct research in the fields of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory;
  • organizing international conferences and research visits in libraries and research centres abroad (United Kingdom, USA, France, Germany etc.), as well as colloquia and symposia on a local and/or national level;
  • supporting current postgraduate programs in the Department of Philology at the University of the Peloponnese and organizing training programs for school teachers (life-long education) and the wider community;
  • helping with the process of submitting applications for European-funded projects in the fields of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, with a view to produce related studies;
  • publication of dissertations, monographs and books related to Comparative Literature and Literary Theory;
  • supervision of doctoral dissertations in the fields of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory with the aim of their publication as monographs;
  • participation in the continuous upgrading of teaching and research activities in the Department of Philology in collaboration with all teaching staff, under- and post-graduate students, as well as with other centres and laboratories;
  • collaboration with other educational, research and academic institutions or other public and private organizations from Greece and abroad on subjects of mutual interest;
  • undertaking any other initiatives for the realization of its aims, following the ethics of the academic and research community.

Information on the activities of the Lab of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory can be found here

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